Friday, 20 April 2012

A new start - Bliss Fairy

Yes, I did it. I started Bliss Fairy. I'm not quite done with Cleo (Meditereanean Mermaid) she just needs some more beads - so photo coming soon!  My opportunities to stitch this week have been "stolen" moments amongst busy times.  I knew I was going to get to stitch on my lunch hours in the library and also my Tuesday night outing to the local bookstore/coffee shop - both not good beading places so there is my justification for the new start. I normally insist on a finish before a start but if I had of done that there would have been no way for me to stitch this week - and let's face it - my sanity requires it.

Here is my current progress on "Bliss".

She is being stitched on 28 count Jazlyn on Summer Sky by Crafty Kitten (xoxo).  The photo looks grey - but its a beautful soft summer blue - I will get some better shots as I stitch more.  

Anyone familiar with this design will notice I changed her eye and eyebrow.  I always felt that for someone called the "Bliss Fairy" she looked pained - almost heart broken.  So I gave her a wide open eye and a soft eyebrow curve.  I adopted this eye by looking at other Mira's that I thought had pretty faces - it's a combination of Villa Mirabilia and Cottage Garden Fairy and Jocelyn Mattatall!

Original Bliss Fairy - photo from
So my goal for this weekend is finish Cleo and post a new gallery of her for you. I also want to get a lot more done on Bliss.  I'm feeling really connected to her and I realized that I haven't done a Mira Fairy for five projects - the last one was Adia.  So I'm due! 


  1. Beautiful stitching! Great improve for the eye. :)


  2. I love the alteration! Looks so great - cannot wait to see more :)

  3. Her face looks great, I like it a lot! :)

  4. Lovely progress you've made. I love the changes you've done to her eye and brow.

